Linggo, Hunyo 10, 2012


I was in the middle of my preaching when a woman in the congregation stood up and left.

Aware of her leaving, I was wondering why she is not finishing the worship.

Little did we know that she was not really there to worship.

We realized that we were worshiping with an enemy that night.

The worship went on.

By the time a member gave his testimony and rendered a song, a commotion in the congregation took place.  Our deaconess, Teacher Irene, together with the president of our youth organization rushed downstairs.

I was wondering what happened.

The worship was over and I was already wishing people goodbye when Teacher Irene came up from downstairs and informed me that her laptop was stolen.

She said that the woman who worshiped with us went to the preschool classroom downstairs were her eldest son was playing with the laptop.  The door was locked and so the woman knocked and pretended to be inquiring on enrollment.  

After her eldest opened the door, the woman, together with a man, went inside and poke a knife on boy's neck and got the laptop from him.

The incident is an indication that our vesper worship service is growing, from a handful then to 50 attendees now.

Imagine, the number is really increasing that even an enemy is  there to worship with us.

I am just praying that in our succeeding worship service, a would be theft abort his or her plan to steal upon realizing that it is better to worship than to steal.

And that they have a best friend in God.

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