Huwebes, Hunyo 14, 2012


From time to time, I am thinking and wondering where my blog is heading?

Doubts on how effective my blog  also fill my mind.

And I am thankful to the increasing statistics, comments and followers that appear in my profile.

I have one classmate and friend who recently became an active reader of my blog.  She sees to it that she reacts to my post.  And I appreciate it very much.

Late last night when her shout out in facebook  answered my question on where my blog is heading?

It is confirmed once again that my blog is going to the hearts of the people.  It goes straight to where I want it to be.

What more could I ask for a compliment than having inspired someone to write again!

Yes!  I am excited with her blog and even suggested a title to her.

Welcome back to the BLOG WORLD my classmate, friend and KA-BLOG!

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